How to reinvent yourself and get out of your comfort zone to grow your career


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Rebecca Scott, a professional that grew up in a small town in Ontario, Canada. Not only did she pivot her career trajectory from psychology to marketing but moved to the big city of Montreal, Quebec, not knowing a single person and not even having a job lined up when she moved. She shares her career pivot and the trials and tribulations that came with it in order to grow to become the person she is today in hopes of guiding others, contemplating making the same drastic change she made herself a few years ago. 


  • “I ended up going to Montreal, I wouldn't say on a limb. But I knew I wanted to change my life because I just wasn't happy. There was something inside of me that just wasn't at peace and so I knew I needed to make a change.” - Rebecca Scott

  • “[When it comes to speaking French] I'm not going to be perfect. I'm going to mess up. But as long as I keep practicing and keep putting myself in these situations, then I'm going to get better and that I think is the best way to immerse yourself in any language is to be in the heart of it, and to be forced almost to speak it ” - Rebecca Scott

  • “[When it comes to making a career change] I would say plan, but don't over plan because you don't actually know how things are going to go once you move to a new city. So yeah, I looked for interesting jobs. At the time, I think I was using Indeed and I knew that I could use the skills that I had gained from doing research and working in academia [to pivot to a different career].” - Rebecca Scott


  • [1:30] Meet Rebecca

  • [6:03] Going over Rebecca’s decision that Montreal was the perfect place to move to, to start a new chapter of her life and her experiences living there so far

  • [15:27] Rebecca’s journey in pivoting into Marketing

  • [22:19] Additional creative projects Rebecca pursued outside of work

  • [29:10] Building a social circle from scratch in a new city

  • [34:24] Whether Rebecca would have done things differently, based on what she knows now

  • [40:37] The level of importance of what school you got your degree from in building your career

  • [41:52] Biggest career challenge Rebecca had to overcome, to get to where she is today

  • [43:57] Contacting Rebecca

  • [45:10] Outro


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