About Chan With A Plan

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I’m Max Chan, founder of Chan With A Plan and I want to help you craft a job search plan that will get you results.

Job searching is tough, I graduated during a time when the job market was weak.

I was $25K+ in student loan debt and I had no interest in going back for post-grad because as the saying goes, you have all this education but no experience. I was going to try my hardest to get an entry level job in my desired field of marketing.

It took approximately 11 months, with many failed interviews along the way; however I was able to land an opportunity with a small digital marketing agency where I ended up working there for 4+ years.

The company was acquired by one of our partners and at that point I also started considering moving on as well. I wanted to get to the next level and since I had more than 4+ years of marketing experience at that time, I wanted to land an opportunity with a large corporate company in Canada.

It had been quite some time since I job searched, and from my past job search experiences, trying to get into a large corporate company by only applying online is hard due to the sheer competition for those roles.

However, I noticed that LinkedIn was gaining steam as more than just a job site. It was starting to become more of a professional networking site where you can interact with other professionals and build relationships.

Prior to this point in my career, I’d never fully utilized my LinkedIn profile, I would be what you could consider as a “LinkedIn Lurker” where I would have a profile (somewhat optimized) and would log in, check job openings, but not really engage in conversation.

To mitigate this, I crafted a complete LinkedIn strategy that involved LinkedIn profile optimization to attract recruiters and a networking strategy, focused on building relationships with professionals that worked at the target companies I had my heart set out on. Within a span of four months, I was able to successfully transition from a small business to one of the biggest telecom companies in the world.

From my job search experience, I want to help you craft a tailored job search plan, specific to your goals from creating your essentials such as your resume and optimized LinkedIn profile to a proper outreach strategy to build up your funnel of potential job opportunities and be able to choose the one opportunity that best fit your career goals.

So if you feel hopeless and frustrated in your job search. Let’s talk because Chan has the plan to help you get the job you want.