From crippling debt to debt free and growing a 6 figure net worth in 5 years


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Amanda Henry, founder of Lady Boss Finance, a platform created to equip young professionals with the blueprint for navigating the corporate workplace and their personal finances to live abundant lives. We go in depth with Amanda’s story of how she graduated from an ivy league school with $65K in debt, paying it off quickly and going into detail in her investing strategy to build a 6 figure net worth to set herself up for long term financial success.  


  • “It is true when they say you can only decrease your expenses by so much, and I’m not even somebody who had a legit social life and so, I can only imagine how hard it is if you’re more you know out there person.” - Amanda Henry [29:40]

  • “[When it comes to investing] One of the things I’m really thankful for in terms of understanding your benefits package and just for any professional out there, make sure you understand what all is available to you, like companies do want to invest in your well being and in your success and there’s likely some sort of benefit that you are not taking advantage of.” - Amanda Henry [44:42]

  • “At the end of the day, personal finance is personal, it is not my place or anyone else’s to tell you what’s going to make the most sense for you and your family because we all have different things we’re trying to achieve and on different timelines.” - Amanda Henry [56:17]


  • [0:24] Meet Amanda

  • [9:03] Advice for students wanting to juggle a job and school in order to pay off some of that student loan

  • [13:42] Differences between working in an educational environment and working in a corporate environment

  • [15:32] Learning lessons when Amanda started to pay off her student loan

  • [22:07] The importance of negotiating in your career

  • [24:15] Amanda’s experiences on moving to a new city for her new job at Google and why she decided to leave her current job at the time

  • [25:40] A walkthrough of Amanda’s financial strategy in paying off her debt from her start at Verizon to her current tenure at Google

  • [32:36] Thoughts on investing while you’re paying off your debt

  • [34:00] The logistics of your 401K when you move to another company

  • [35:45] How Amanda calculated the right amount for her emergency fund

  • [38:46] Amanda’s journey getting into Google

  • [44:28] Amanda’s investing strategies in building her 6 figure net worth and learning lessons along the way

  • [1:02:41] Career advice for recent grads in finding the right work environment for them to start their career

  • [1:06:15] How Amanda started Lady Boss Finance and the future of the brand

  • [1:16:36] A major roadblock that Amanda had faced and what she did to overcome it to move her career forward

  • [1:21:11] Contacting Amanda

  • [1:22:01] Outro


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