How strong work performance doesn’t always increase job security


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Daniel Lantin, a professional that was originally from the Philippines and moved to Canada as an international student to build a better life. In this conversation he discusses his experience of being laid off for the 1st time in his career that had nothing to do with his performance, the learning lessons he gathered and what he’ll do next time to ensure that he’s ready to tackle career obstacles head on with confidence.  


  • “What I learned [from this experience] was, even if you have a job now you think you're stable, like I would still network with other people. And I would still kind of apply just to keep my resume fresh and everything, just so you're protected, just in case something happens.” - Daniel Lantin

  • “You should never burn bridges. Like, even if you're super mad at them, just try your best not to burn bridges, because you'll never know, you might end up working for them again, or you might end up working for the same colleagues that you have, or they might recruit you somewhere. Just never burn bridges.” - Daniel Lantin

  • “[In Canada] I really felt that you're not really 100% secure in your job. Again, like what you said, it doesn't even have to be based on your performance. It's just like, things change here so quickly, that sometimes they have to change direction, right? So that's what I learned.” - Daniel Lantin


  • [0:35] Meet Daniel

  • [5:54] Daniel’s plan at his job to increase job security and the sacrifices he made to do it

  • [8:25] Daniel’s experience in Canada with being laid off, and lessons he learned to effectively move forward

  • [15:32] What Daniel did after the announcement of his layoff and what he did during his remaining time there

  • [29:47] Daniel’s strategy on applying for a new job and planning his next career move

  • [39:13] Biggest career challenge Daniel had to overcome and what steps he took to overcome it

  • [41:32] Contacting Daniel

  • [42:19] Outro


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