How to build new connections and grow your career


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Kerrie Phipps, an International Speaker, Author and Coach that helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs and authors to increase their clarity and confidence to connect with anyone, and anywhere. In this conversation Kerrie provides strategies and advice on mindset to help you become more confident in connecting with anyone to grow your network and build your career. 


  • “Always start with gratitude. Like, if you can say, thank you so much for meeting with me, like, I'm really keen to learn more about what you do. Or you can just share again, what it is that you're looking for. And when we're honest with people, and being honest with ourselves, it really is the first step. But when we're honest with people, they will feel free to be honest with you.” - Kerrie Phipps

  • “But there are moments [in the conversation] where maybe it's awkward, maybe you're just like, we're just kind of doing this networking thing. Feel free to just shift the conversation, ask a better question.” - Kerrie Phipps

  • “I think it's important to remember, again, that you're having a conversation in your head, you're making assumptions that are quite possibly far from the truth, you don't know that somebody's not connecting with you or not responding to you, because they've got a family member in the hospital, something's come up. And they are far behind on their emails. And I have a friend who has an intense number of emails and social media messages. And she says, just message me again, don't get offended that I haven't responded.” - Kerrie Phipps


  • [0:36] Meet Kerrie

  • [3:59] Advice on mindset for someone who is looking to try networking for the 1st time to further their career

  • [7:33] How to reach out to people authentically

  • [15:11] How to prepare for your informational interview

  • [18:03] How to leave a lasting impression at the informational interview

  • [19:39] Handling conversations that aren’t going well or didn’t go well

  • [23:55] How to steer the conversation to a more personal level instead of only keeping focused on professional topics

  • [25:13] Maintaining contact after the initial informational interview is over

  • [30:10] Discussion on how rejection isn’t about you

  • [32:01] Networking at events / conferences

  • [37:13] Fitting in at a new job

  • [39:50] Main lessons Kerrie wants you to take away from this conversation

  • [44:40] The biggest career challenge Kerrie has faced, and what she did to overcome it to get to where she is today

  • [47:04] Contacting Kerrie

  • [47:56] Outro


The struggles of finding a job with autism and how to take proper action to get your dream job


How informational interviews help you land your dream job