How to get promoted at work and make more money


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Terry McDougall, an Executive & Career Coach of Terry B. McDougall Coaching. Terry gives advice on how to position yourself for a promotion with tips such as impression management and performing for the job you want instead of the job you have. She also discusses some alternative career moves you could make if you get passed over for a promotion in order to still move your career forward. We end the discussion with what mindset shifts you have to make and what initial communication you should initiate with your manager in order to be successful in your promotion within the first 90 days.


  • “I always tell people that I work with that there’s really only 3 ways to add value in the workplace, you’re either helping the company make money, save money or reduce risk.” - Terry McDougall [1:55]

  • “Perform for the job that you want and not the job that you have as well. One of the things that I see a lot of times that people say is I got a lot of capabilities and if I get that next level promotion, I’ll show them, and I’ll say look for opportunities to show them now.” - Terry McDougall [10:25]

  • “I think that the most important thing to do when you get promoted is get extreme clarity on what the expectations of the role are and go to your boss and say what does success look like after the first 90 days, what are your priorities for this role and really focus on that. I think it’s really important also to get some quick wins.” - Terry McDougall [19:30]


  • [0:07] Meet Terry McDougall

  • [1:27] Key factors why you won’t get promoted

  • [3:01] Examples of over performing

  • [3:53] Terry’s story of trying to get promoted herself

  • [7:20] Tip on where to find your shortcomings that are hindering you for a promotion and external factors that are out of your control when it comes to getting promoted

  • [8:33] How to use impression management in order to look like you belong at a higher level at the company

  • [10:24] Perform for the job you want

  • [10:56] The risk of promoting people

  • [11:43] How to decide when to leave the company or try again if you are passed over for a promotion

  • [14:55] The pros and cons between leaving a big company to go to a smaller company for a bigger title or do a horizontal move to another big company and try to get promoted there instead

  • [16:10] When you should take a promotion with little to no pay raise

  • [18:04] Warning signs to not take a promotion

  • [19:19] Common mistakes of the newly promoted and what to do instead

  • [23:37] Contacting Terry

  • [24:36] Outro


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