How to get your 1st job in Corporate America as a New Immigrant


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Angelina Spadaro, Founder of CAN.Link.People and has over 15 years of HR experience including reviewing over 70,000 resumes and interviewing thousands of candidates. In this conversation, Angelina discusses helping new immigrants land jobs in North America. She uses her experiences being an immigrant and working in her corporate positions to help other immigrants land their 1st job in their field in North America.


  • “I think the idea is just really to build relationship. And you know, use your community as well. So for example, go on some Facebook group, like I know a lot of French people, they have like French groups, and they can support each other.” – Angelina Spadaro

  • “Then the other thing is the resume, you know, first of all, the legal requirements are very different. So for example, in France, you are allowed to have your birthday, your picture, your marital status, how many kids you have, but in Canada, legally speaking, you should not have that on your resume. So that's the first step.” – Angelina Spadaro

  • “But I think in other countries, it's just a conversation. And if the conversation goes, well, you're hired. And so I think that's one of the big things, but also, for anyone who comes, you know, to a new country, the English may not be their first language. And it's an extra layer of stress and going to an interview is already stressful.” – Angelina Spadaro


  • [04:56] Angelina’s story

  • [08:56] Job search process differences between countries

  • [15:17] French resumes unique structure and information

  • [20:46] Interview preparation for immigrants

  • [23:55] Interview feedback when you didn’t get the job

  • [27:50] Applying to jobs on your own vs using an agency

  • [31:32] What is ghosting and does it happen?

  • [36:43] Other advice for immigrants looking to work in Canada or the USA

  • [41:49] Steps to take tomorrow to change the outlook of your job search

  • [44:40] Angelina’s big challenge and how she overcame it


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