How to overcome workplace loneliness to improve your mental health and have a more happier and fulfilling career


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Sarah Langner, Founder of Hey! Lemonade, a transformative online community and coaching platform that actively works to create belonging, foster connection, and inspire members. She discusses workplace social dynamics to help you make friends at work and keep them long after the working relationship is over. She also goes over strategies on how to combat loneliness in your personal life to build a social network that improves your mental health and gives you a more fulfilling life. 


  • “I think that the best way forward to get more promotions is to make friends, not only friends with the people who are at the same level as you, but friends with the people below you and the people above you.” - Sarah Langner [14:57]

  • “So why this [people lose touch once someone leaves for another opportunity] happens is because we only have so much bandwidth in our brains, we can really only maintain about 5 close relationships, and say about 125 secondary relationships.” - Sarah Langner [23:06]

  • “We’re looking at 40-60% of the population feeling chronically lonely depending on the age group.” - Sarah Langner [35:22]


  • [1:24] Meet Sarah

  • [3:49] Combating loneliness during COVID as a working professional

  • [5:48] Discussing what’s worse long term, social isolation or a regular long commute

  • [6:55] Decrease in social attachment to a company due to COVID

  • [11:12] Disadvantage of always working from home and possibility of being passed over for promotions due to lack of visibility

  • [12:26] Prediction on the most optimal work model for work/life flexibility and satisfaction

  • [13:57] If it’s possible to make real friends at work

  • [19:59] Reaching out to someone that got laid off that you use to work with and embracing the potential awkwardness to maintain the relationship you’ve built

  • [22:40] Keeping in touch with a former colleague that left for another opportunity

  • [27:10] Difference between a friend and an acquaintance

  • [27:46] Being friends with your manager

  • [29:48] Your diminishing social circle as you get older

  • [31:50] Building a social circle as a mid career professional

  • [34:45] The main factor that contributes to a decreasing social circle over time

  • [38:48] Long term consequences of chronic loneliness

  • [39:43] Right amount of social interaction for a long healthy life

  • [41:49] Going through a scenario of a professional that recently moved to a new city for a new job and how to start building a rich social circle

  • [43:03] Conversation starters when meeting new people

  • [49:33] The one major career challenge Sarah had to overcome to get to where she is today

  • [50:24] Contacting Sarah

  • [52:01] Outro


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