How to quit your unsatisfying job and do something you’ll love


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Jennifer Hocutt, founder of J. Hocutt Group LLC, focusing on helping professionals become the CEOs in their career. We discuss the common reasons why professionals leave their job, and help you craft an exit strategy to not only leave your unsatisfying job, but to find a new opportunity that gives you fulfillment and satisfaction, as we all should be able to find happiness in the work we do. 


  • ”No matter where you are in your career, whether you love your company or not you should always be open to opportunities, at least hearing them out because opportunities don't come knocking very often, you don’t want to miss out just because you’re in a good space at that time. ” - Jennifer Hocutt [14:15]

  • “When you clearly define what your non-negotiables are [in a job offer] and you stick to those, then you’re not compromising, you’re not trying to make the job fit for you.” - Jennifer Hocutt [23:28]

  • “Your ultimate goal in life, it really should be happiness, nothing else matters and happiness is an inside job that you have complete control over.” - Jennifer Hocutt [49:20]


  • [1:16] Meet Jennifer

  • [3:24] The influx of employee attrition never seen before in recent memory

  • [5:47] Common reasons why people want to leave their jobs

  • [10:20] Why moving up the corporate ladder is not always the path to happiness

  • [13:37] Crafting your exit strategy to successfully leave your current job

  • [21:03] Thoughts on job hopping and the wrong way to job hop

  • [23:12] Evaluating a job offer properly

  • [24:53] If you should try to repair your current working relationship before trying to leave the company

  • [30:27] Thoughts on counter offers and if you should consider taking it

  • [34:53] How to balance looking for a new job, while still giving enough effort at your current job to not make it obvious you checked out

  • [39:19] Scheduling interviews effectively without raising red flags at your current company

  • [43:56] Quitting a job without another one lined up

  • [47:47] Additional job search tips

  • [51:02] A major career roadblock that Jennifer had faced and what she did to overcome it to move her career forward

  • [55:38] Contacting Jennifer

  • [54:42] Outro


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