Job Interview Red Flags: Signs of a Toxic Work Environment


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with (Lauren) Felter, podcaster, educator and Founder of Felter Unfiltered. Felter discusses the top red flags in the interview process of a company that shows signs of a toxic workplace to avoid accepting a job that could potentially derail your career trajectory. She also discusses questions to ask the hiring manager/team to reveal red flags and ends the conversation with some tips for job seekers, looking to make a good impression at interviews and what to focus on to be a stand out candidate. 


  • “If they are looking for the job to be the number 1 priority in your life, like you’re allowed to have higher priorities, but if their expectations are that you have to care about this job, above all else or you have to care about the mission above all else, that’s toxic.” - Lauren Felter [7:37]

  • “Just be really weary of being asked to do things in the interview process that seem, above and beyond that you might just be exploited, for unpaid work.” - Lauren Felter [11:13]

  • “[As someone that hires] one thing that a lot of people do [that’s a red flag], is they tell me what they think I want to hear, instead of being honest.” - Lauren Felter [33:15]


  • [2:13] Meet Felter

  • [6:48] 7 red flags in the interview process you should watch out for

  • [12:49] Company asking you to take a lower salary now for potential higher returns in equity or other compensation later

  • [14:07] Work life balance at startups

  • [14:46] Why there’s no such thing as a perfect job and it’s more about what challenges that you are willing to accept in your new role that’s better than staying where you are

  • [18:35] Why only having good relationships with your manager and colleagues are not a good reason to stay at a job if the work isn’t interesting

  • [19:48] Discussing whether you should stay at your job while looking for a new one to avoid the potential stigma of being unemployed during your job search

  • [21:23] Questions to ask the hiring manager to reveal and spot company red flags

  • [24:54] Is the length of an interview process at a company a red flag

  • [26:41] 4 things you should research the company on to ensure it’s the best fit for you

  • [29:29] Advice for young professionals that want to work at their dream company but see red flags that it may not be the right culture for them

  • [31:06] How Felter hires new team members and what she looks for during the interview process

  • [33:10] What things candidates do that Felter disqualifies them immediately from consideration for the position

  • [35:26] The reasonable time frame between final interview and hearing back from the company and what goes on behind the scenes

  • [37:32] Taking a bridge job or a "for now" job because you really want to leave your current company but aren’t landing the role you want

  • [38:48] Biggest career challenge Felter had to overcome to get to where she is today

  • [40:54] Contacting Felter

  • [56:06] Outro


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