Signs of career burnout and how to recover from them


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Elizabeth Rosenberg, Founder of The Good Advice Company, a marketing and communications consultancy. Elizabeth discusses her personal story of how extreme stress and burnout led her to having a scary trip to the ER and what she learned from that experience to turn her career around and become the business owner she is today. 


  • “I got home [from the hospital], I had 100s of Emails, I had dozens of text messages, and instead of putting it all away, and not dealing with it till morning, I jumped back into work and the next morning I woke up, and realized that something was drastically wrong.” - Elizabeth Rosenberg [5:39]

  • “What I’ve learned now is that there's 4 quadrants, that we need to be listening to, your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional self.” - Elizabeth Rosenberg [7:04]

  • “I’ve been fired from a job, I’ve been laid off from a job, I’ve quit from a job, it’s very humbling, to experience all of those things and I think that people forget, that you can be super successful, in your career, and have places where you just not a fit either.” - Elizabeth Rosenberg [27:09]


  • [1:10] Meet Elizabeth

  • [2:54] Elizabeth’s story of how she ended up going to the ER, the aftermath and lessons learned along the way

  • [8:49] Signs of burnout

  • [10:30] Elizabeth’s process from having her ER experience to pivoting to becoming self employed and a business owner

  • [13:57] Avoiding burnout as a business owner

  • [17:15] Managing your workload and your manager’s expectations of you to avoid burnout

  • [21:26] Keeping a positive mindset and not panicking when Elizabeth started her business at the beginning of the pandemic

  • [24:22] How to properly quit your job so you aren’t taking a drastic step back

  • [25:37] Elizabeth’s plan on quitting her last job before pursuing starting her own business

  • [27:48] Self discovery to find out what you truly want to do

  • [29:58] Elizabeth’s health now and advice for people who are experiencing signs of burnout

  • [31:47] The one major career challenge Elizabeth had to overcome to get to where she is today

  • [35:02] Contacting Elizabeth

  • [35:25] Outro


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