Building an Email list for your side hustle: How to get your first thousand Emails


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Liz Wilcox, a serial entrepreneur who specializes in Email marketing and helps turn your Email marketing initiatives into a converting machine. Liz talks about how to develop a target Email list that wants to buy from you immediately, the best Email marketing software to start off with and how collaborating with other professionals in your field is the best tactic to accelerate your Email list building efforts.


  • “You don’t want an Email list that’s full of, I call them, freebie seekers, they only want the freebie, that’s what they’re there for, they probably, you know, maybe they’ll download the freebie, maybe not. After a couple of months, they forget who you are, those are terrible leads.” - Liz Wilcox [15:46]

  • “[When it comes to getting buyers] My framework is first you have a follower, then you have a friend and then you have a customer.” - Liz Wilcox [19:59]

  • “The biggest way to grow an Email list, and grow an Email list of people that are engaged, that actually like you, they're not freebie seekers, is to build a network of people that are doing the same thing as you.” - Liz Wilcox [34:51]


  • [0:59] Meet Liz

  • [13:46] The proper way to generate revenue from an Email list without needing a large Email list to do it

  • [17:14] Discussing gated content (providing content in exchange for an Email address) and its effectiveness

  • [19:30] Liz’s Email welcome sequence to convert her Email subscribers into buyers

  • [26:08] Intro products you can sell to your Email subscribers to convert them to first time buyers

  • [28:16] Using Max’s career coaching business as an example of introducing an intro product to his Email list

  • [34:36] Building your Email list from scratch

  • [37:37] Using Max’s career coaching business as an example on how he would start building an Email list from scratch

  • [41:19] Liz’s recommendation on the best Email marketing software to start off with in growing your Email list

  • [42:56] The foundational tools for proper Email capture for your side hustle

  • [45:37] Contacting Liz

  • [46:51] Outro


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