Overcoming Imposter Syndrome at work and living to your true career potential


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Diana Alt, a career strategy coach who utilizes the skills she’s gathered throughout 20+ years in corporate product development roles to help people manage their careers and business. Diana discusses in depth about imposter syndrome from what it is, to the long term consequences it will have in one’s career if they don’t manage it. She discusses strategies and tactics on how she helps her clients overcome imposter syndrome to propel their career forward in the right direction.


  • “[Imposter Syndrome] is a phenomenon where high achieving individuals have an internalized fear that they’re going to be exposed as a fraud, in other words they’re constantly worried about being found out as not being good enough for the promotion or not being capable of delivering what their boss’ or their friends or their family expect them to deliver.” - Diana Alt [4:10]

  • “Analysis paralysis goes right hand in hand with perfectionism and perfectionism is one of the leading indicators that someone might have imposter syndrome.” - Diana Alt [16:37]

  • “I would like my clients to think about [the open position like this], would I like it, can I try it, what’s the worst that would happen if I hate it. I would rather have them think about [being proactive and] let’s give it a whirl and then if it doesn’t work out, I’ll figure out the next move.” - Diana Alt [34:28]


  • [1:12] Meet Diana

  • [4:00] Diana’s explanation of imposter syndrome and signs you may have it

  • [7:56] How qualified you should be before you apply for a job posting

  • [9:54] Imposter syndrome in Men vs Women and how it affects their career trajectory and career decision making

  • [14:54] The long term cost and consequences of letting imposter syndrome take over your career and affecting your decision making

  • [16:47] Max and Diana share their own experiences with imposter syndrome

  • [23:50] Strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome

  • [30:50] If there is imposter syndrome for professionals that want to move down in position and pay

  • [33:04] How you should evaluate a new opportunity and the benefits of trying it out vs not trying at all

  • [35:38] Why you shouldn’t look at your career as a straight ladder up

  • [41:51] Top tip on overcoming imposter syndrome

  • [44:18] Contacting Diana

  • [46:59] Outro


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