Career advice for introverts: How to embrace your introversion in order to accelerate your career


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Jacqueline Shaulis, motivational speaker and author that guides introverted women of color to get seen, heard, and respected by embracing their awesome. Jacqueline explains what introversion really is and the common misconceptions people have about introversion. She then dives into strategies on how to thrive in a corporate work environment as an introvert and how the winning formula is to embrace your introversion, not try to reject it and become something you’re not. 


  • ”There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, it's not something that needs to be fixed, it’s not something to overcome, it’s not something to put to the side, it’s just literally how the brain processes what’s going on around them.” - Jacqueline Shaulis [16:27]

  • “No matter what tips and techniques [I give you], if you don’t have the mindset of thinking, okay my introversion is a positive, as opposed to the negative that is perceived as, you won’t take action.” - Jacqueline Shaulis [30:27]

  • “I’ve had conversations with dozens of women [of color] and it’s the same story, where within their workplace they are doing what their job entitles them to, they are doing it at a high level, however they are being told that they cannot advance or they’re not being told about opportunities because of their introversion.” - Jacqueline Shaulis [43:33]


  • [0:46] Meet Jacqueline Shaulis

  • [3:26] Explaining what introversion is and common misconceptions of introversion

  • [14:02] Jacqueline’s obstacles during her career as an introvert, misconceptions that stem from that and the strengths she learned of being an introvert

  • [18:38] How to identify introverts and how to work with them

  • [20:08] Strategies for introverts to thrive in a corporate work environment

  • [24:41] The value of being an introvert

  • [27:14] Building relationships and growing your network as an introvert

  • [30:16] Changing your mindset and owning your introversion within 30 days to start elevating your career

  • [33:06] Transforming yourself in your current role to become a star player and owning your introversion

  • [36:56] Wanting to become a manager as an introvert

  • [40:55] Why introverted women of color have the biggest obstacles to overcome in the workplace compared to other demographics

  • [46:27] A major career roadblock that Jacqueline had faced and what she did to overcome it to move her career forward

  • [48:30] Contacting Jacqueline

  • [50:20] Outro


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