Job search success, large vs small companies and which size company is right for you


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Dani Hao, a marketing communications leader who has worked in both the B2C and B2B space and is passionate about building brands, community, and real connections. Dani walks us through her career journey and her experience working at companies of various sizes and highlights the pros and cons of each to help you make the right decision when it comes to making your next career move. 


  • ”When I first started off my career, I thought that joining a larger company would help me elevate my career because it would look better on my resume, but I was quickly proven wrong just because, as a new grad most likely you’re probably going to be, starting out in a junior position.” - Dani Hao [4:26]

  • “[When it comes to salary] I think it will depend on the industry that you’re in, and the role that you’re looking for right, I know a lot of my friends who are in like huge companies, like Fortune 100s and they’re being paid a lot less than, for example what I was making at my previous roles [at smaller companies]. ” - Dani Hao [33:58]

  • “You’re doing your best work, you’re being very proactive, but you’re getting all these Nos and you are getting all these blockers, that’s a red flag, that’s a sign, that hey like this company may not have that culture of being able to promote people who want to be more proactive.” - Dani Hao [45:06]


  • [1:26] Meet Dani Hao

  • [5:15] Common trap recent grads fall for when it comes to choosing their first employer and how to avoid it

  • [6:49] Dani’s experience working at a large company and learning lessons along the way

  • [15:53] Dani’s experience working in agency and learning lessons along the way

  • [18:21] Difference between working in industry vs working in agency

  • [19:43] Dani’s journey into entrepreneurship and how it led to her role at a Saas company

  • [22:47] Being a part of a growing company and the changes that happen during the growth stage

  • [27:41] Discussing Dani’s current work experience at the small company she’s at now and what work was like during the transition/growth phase

  • [33:47] Salary expectations between large companies and smaller companies and discussing whether you will always make more at a large company compared to others

  • [34:56] Job security at large companies vs smaller companies

  • [37:37] Discussing middle management and how it affects you when you are starting out in your career

  • [38:31] Your level of C-Suite executive exposure at large companies compared to smaller companies

  • [39:48] Social atmosphere between large companies and smaller companies

  • [41:21] Interview process differences between large and smaller companies

  • [43:06] Summarizing the conversation and what you need to do to advance your career

  • [46:43] A major career roadblock that Dani had faced and what she did to overcome it to move her career forward

  • [49:44] Contacting Dani

  • [50:20] Outro


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