How to make a drastic career change to achieve fulfillment and happiness in your work


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Laura Sousa, former executive turned florist, where she shares her story of how she lost her passion for her work when she started working remotely due to the pandemic and what led to her to make the drastic career change she did in order to achieve fulfillment and happiness in her work again. 


  • “I had to really be ok with that kind of shift in status and realizing that status is not as important as my own happiness.” - Laura Sousa [9:48]

  • “I think part of it is putting certain parameters say for example a timeframe, so if you’re feeling you know, a little bit in a rut or something and you’re feeling you know things will get better, time box it, say ok you know I’m here, how long am I willing to give myself to see if it kind of will turn itself around.” - Laura Sousa [15:59]

  • “Be really cognizant and aware of what motivates you and really your overall happiness and don’t be afraid to kind of question and assess and you know kind of dare to think differently.” - Laura Sousa [35:10]


  • [1:42] Meet Laura

  • [4:17] What made Laura decide to pivot into a career as a florist

  • [7:54] Limiting beliefs that Laura had when it came to deciding to pivot her career to becoming a florist

  • [10:51] Discussing the importance of status and how to make right decisions throughout your career to keep you fulfilled

  • [15:36] Evaluating whether you are thinking about a career change due to the current circumstances or whether it is not actually for you

  • [18:12] Timeframe between the flower shop owner putting it in Laura’s head about becoming a florist to actually writing her resignation letter

  • [22:16] Resigning from her role as VP

  • [26:30] Laura’s last 2 weeks at her last job before focusing full time on being a florist

  • [28:26] Next steps after leaving her last job

  • [29:02] Financial preparation in order to successfully pivot into a career as a florist

  • [30:36] Landing her first apprenticeship

  • [33:43] Whether Laura has any regrets about making the career pivot

  • [34:58] 1 career lesson that Laura wants people to take away from her story

  • [36:15] Contacting Laura

  • [36:49] Outro


How to overcome your limiting beliefs in order to achieve your full career potential


How to take ownership of your career growth to achieve your goals