How to stop procrastination in your job search and start moving your career forward


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Heather Spiegel, Founder of Hidden Squirrel Consulting on procrastination in the job search, why it occurs and what you can do about it to overcome it, to get the job you want. In addition, we also discuss the main difference in thinking between C-Suite Executives and professionals that are early on in their career when it comes to achieving enormous career success.


  • “If you do small things every single day, you get into, A a routine, and B it’s not going to have that same level of discomfort [that tends to lead to procrastination].” - Heather Spiegel [9:38]

  • “The general sort of consensus is that a job search usually takes somewhere in the span of 3 to 4 months minimum, so people shouldn’t get frustrated and discouraged, these things do take time and particularly if you are seeking an executive role then the time horizon can be even longer. ” - Heather Spiegel [11:09]

  • “At the end of the day, your [career] success is going to be determined by your ability to forge relationships.” - Heather Spiegel [40:41]


  • [2:15] Meet Heather

  • [4:38] Common reasons that lead to job search procrastination

  • [8:44] Why it’s important to do a little at a time then trying to do a lot in one go

  • [10:14] The average length of a job search

  • [13:34] Discussing cognitive distortion and how it negatively impacts your job search success

  • [21:47] The importance of not resting on your laurels after a good final round interview performance with a company and to stick to your job search strategy

  • [23:49] When should you hire a career coach to get help in your job search and when is getting more education the better decision

  • [30:34] Starting a new habit and how to be accountable to maintain the new habit in order to achieve job search success and walking through an example

  • [36:23] What you can learn from C Suite Executives as someone that just started or a few years in, into their career to help you accelerate your career growth

  • [40:49] How to reach out and build relationships with external recruiters to help you transition successfully to the next chapter of your career

  • [45:01] Few tips from Heather on what to change in your approach to your job search to start seeing better results

  • [48:38] The one habit that Heather needed to implement consistently into her life in order to get to where she is today in her career

  • [52:42] Contacting Heather

  • [53:57] Outro


How to take ownership of your career growth to achieve your goals


Leveraging social media in your job search to get the job you want