Leveraging social media in your job search to get the job you want


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Marie Zimenoff, CEO of Career Thought Leaders and Resume Writing Academy. Marie discusses additional job search strategies that goes beyond applying online and optimizing your LinkedIn profile, such as using Facebook and Instagram to engage with companies and potential professionals that could make a huge impact on the success of your job search. She also discusses the foundation of a successful job search strategy and how to overcome procrastination in the job search process that most professionals face when they don't get the results they want right out of the gate.


  • “It’s not just about the [LinkedIn] profile, and that’s where I feel like the careers industry, has kind of got stuck in the mud, talking about optimizing a [LinkedIn] profile, we really can’t just leave it at that, we got to teach clients how to use LinkedIn and how to connect, how to message, how to use the tool to continue to stay in touch with someone.” - Marie Zimenoff [6:41]

  • “Do the research, find your audience, and then choose your [social media] platforms and that will help you reduce your overwhelm, and to just really engage where those people are. ” - Marie Zimenoff [31:57]

  • “You can only grow, when you take a risk, you can only change when you make change, but start small.” - Marie Zimenoff [43:35]


  • [2:09] Meet Marie

  • [3:05] Why recruiters aren’t using LinkedIn to source candidates as much as they use to

  • [7:11] The importance of networking to build your career

  • [10:19] Utilizing Facebook and Instagram as part of your job search strategy

  • [12:44] Why creating content isn’t necessary and engaging with a company’s content on social media is more important for your job search

  • [14:07] The importance of utilizing other social media platforms besides LinkedIn as part of your job search and how to use them

  • [18:49] Recruiters loosening the importance of having relevant work experience and cultural fit for the role they are trying to fill

  • [21:42] The future and importance of video resumes and how you can get comfortable with this medium

  • [26:16] Text, video or audio messages when it comes to reaching out and networking with professionals on social media

  • [27:54] Thoughts on Discord and Slack channels as part of your job search strategy

  • [28:44] Picking the right online courses to boost your credentials and get the job you want

  • [31:29] Picking the right platforms for your job search to not get overwhelmed

  • [32:10] The increase in importance of the cover letter

  • [34:01] The importance of utilizing hashtags on social media platforms to help you with your job search

  • [34:51] Tips on building a foundation for a successful job search

  • [36:13] Overcoming job search procrastination

  • [40:02] Job search trends professionals should watch out for in 2022

  • [42:42] One big career challenge that Marie had to overcome to help her grow to become the person she is today

  • [44:20] Contacting Marie

  • [45:05] Going over Max’s pitch to have Marie come on the podcast and what made her accept the invitation

  • [46:26] Outro


How to stop procrastination in your job search and start moving your career forward


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