Advice for young professionals in order to thrive in their career


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Dominic Imwalle, Founder of DxConsulting. We discussed various strategies that young professionals can utilize and implement in order to excel in their career. From building confidence, growing your network and making a big impact at work without compromising your personal life and mental health in the process. 


  • “Setting expectations is my favorite, clear and upfront and I just did it this week with a manager, hey this is a promotion year for me, I’m looking to do X Y and Z where else can I step up to the plate.” - Dominic Imwalle [18:16]

  • “[When it comes to deciding whether to move up internally] look at what your manager, senior manager, couple levels above do on a daily basis and ask yourself if you like what they’re doing.” - Dominic Imwalle [34:53]

  • “When you get to that spot, when you just get so confident and comfortable and operating in who you are and you trust that, other professionals need to watch out because you’re going to be putting some people on watch and it’s going to be really fun and exciting for you.” - Dominic Imwalle [44:11]


  • [0:39] Meet Dominic

  • [5:45] Strategies to build your community as a young professional

  • [9:43] Building confidence when it comes to reaching out to professionals

  • [12:54] Landing informational interviews with professionals and how to conduct one well

  • [14:40] Dominic’s experience with professional rejection

  • [16:45] Finding career clarity

  • [18:12] Going for the tough asks that are necessary to grow your career

  • [19:36] Building confidence as an overall individual both professionally and personally

  • [23:25] Being successful in your first corporate job as a young professional

  • [25:08] How to continue to grow as a professional while you are working your job in order to stay marketable

  • [27:16] Advice for professionals getting impatient with their lack of career progress even though they haven’t been at their company for that long

  • [30:32] Work life balance and taking care of your mental health

  • [34:39] Deciding between trying to move up internally or looking for an opportunity externally

  • [36:16] How Dominic started his career coaching side business

  • [40:04] Potential conflicts with Dominic’s full time job and his side career coaching business

  • [42:45] A major roadblock that Dominic had faced and what he did to overcome it to move his career forward

  • [46:17] Contacting Dominic

  • [47:59] Outro


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