How to build a personal brand that services people worldwide for beginners


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Dr. Michael Ho, Founder of DR. HO’S, a company that has developed and formulated a line of products that have helped millions worldwide live a healthy lifestyle. We discuss his career journey in depth, from starting out running his own clinics, to transitioning in creating and developing his line of products and expanding his business worldwide, all through the power of building a trustworthy personal brand.


  • “I want to create a brand that people will trust, so putting your own name behind something will ensure someone will realize, hey if you put your name behind something there’s more likely hood that this product is trustworthy.” - Dr. Ho [19:01]

  • “I think to build a [successful] brand, you have to help your customers the best you can with the right intentions.” - Dr. Ho [25:50]

  • “[To be a successful entrepreneur] is to have a purpose. You gotta ask yourself why are you doing this, if your only purpose is to make some money, well that’s a very weak purpose, and not very inspiring for yourself and for your team.” - Dr. Ho [42:05]


  • [0:27] Meet Dr. Ho

  • [1:28] How Dr. Ho got started in product development

  • [10:05] How Dr. Ho decided to mass produce his first device

  • [13:08] Discussing whether Dr. Ho still has his clinics or has he now focused on only his product lines

  • [17:02] Choosing the name and building the DR. HO'S brand

  • [21:58] Additional business branding lessons from Dr. Ho

  • [26:19] Deciding the right time to build additional products

  • [30:49] Expanding to other markets effectively

  • [36:01] The future of marketing and what messaging will resonate with younger audiences

  • [38:12] A major roadblock that Dr. Ho had faced in growing his personal brand and what he did to overcome them to continue to grow the business

  • [40:16] Biggest business lessons for new and aspiring entrepreneurs

  • [46:07] Contacting Dr. Ho

  • [46:20] Outro


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