The Great Resignation and the future of the workplace


In this episode of Chan With A Plan, host Max Chan speaks with Christine LeLacheur, Co-Founder of the C Factor Community and Founder of Cheurfire Consulting. We discussed The Great Resignation, what the future of work will look like and how managers can help their team transition effectively back into an office work environment, as well as what to do with the team members that have become disengaged due to the fact they have to go back to the office. 


  • “So if nothing changes [if you do prefer to work remotely for the majority of your work week] you’ll probably still unfortunately going to have that where people who are getting that face time in will continue to be top of mind [for those promotions]” - Christine LeLacheur [10:36]

  • “[When it comes to unhappy employees coming back to the office] as managers, I think we need to look at what is your sphere of influence, right so there are things that you can make an impact on from your role but also understanding that there are things outside of your control and not taking on the burden of the outcomes of those situations.” - Christine LeLacheur [22:23]

  • “You’re basically dealing with these younger generations that have seen multiple economic downturns with massive layoffs happening and so they were given the message that they were expendable and therefore they needed to think about their own career.” - Christine LeLacheur [38:04]


  • [0:39] Meet Christine

  • [1:39] Overview of The Great Resignation

  • [4:47] The future of work

  • [9:47] Will working remotely for the majority of your work week affect the chances of you getting a promotion

  • [11:32] Zoom fatigue and how it can’t replace face to face interactions

  • [14:13] Are employees working more now because of being remote and not having a commute

  • [16:29] The difficulties of a hybrid model and what would the ideal hybrid work model look like

  • [18:49] Advice for managers getting ready to go back to the office

  • [21:39] Dealing with team members that are not happy going back to the office

  • [26:00] The subtle difference between thinking of quitting and actually quitting

  • [28:22] Managers being short staffed due to an influx of resignations due to The Great Resignation

  • [30:49] Having conversations with your disengaged team members

  • [33:55] How to become more approachable as a manager and creating a psychological safe work environment

  • [36:41] Discussing possible consequences of the younger generation having shorter tenures than their older counterparts

  • [38:34] How younger generations are going to shape the future of work

  • [40:10] Discussing whether we are moving towards a more gig economy work culture

  • [42:01] A major roadblock that Christine had faced and what she did to overcome it to move her career forward

  • [44:46] Contacting Christine

  • [46:20] Outro


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